Graph software

Software, formats, and systems for working with graphs. There are dedicated pages for graph databases and the literature on graph algorithms.



General commentary on Python graph APIs .


  • graph and Rgraphviz (Bioconductor)
    • Rare but usable Artistic 2.0 license
    • Arbitrary node/edge attributes (vignette )
    • Graphs are immutable (modifying nodes/edges creates new graph)
    • Graphs are simple but there is an “experimental” MultiGraph
  • igraph (CRAN), GPL
    • Edge list representation, implemented in C, but conversion to/from adjacency list
    • Arbitrary graph/node/edge attributes
    • Only “limited support” for multigraphs
  • network (CRAN), GPL
    • Edge list representation, implemented in C
    • Arbitrary graph/node/edge attributes
    • “Native support” for multigraphs and even hypergraphs


  • LightGraphs.jl : the new standard, inspired by NetworkX
  • Graphs.jl : the old standard but now phased out, inspired by the Boost Graph Library
  • MetaGraphs.jl : extends LightGraphs with graph/vertex/edge properties
  • Graft.jl : interesting but immature, emphasis on queries and data analysis


Data structures, layout, and visualization for graphs, partly taken from the StackOverflow list :

  • Viz.js : GraphViz in JS via Emscripten
  • JSNetworkX : Port of NetworkX to JS
    • Partial port: core functionality in place, most algorithms missing
    • Not maintained: Last update in 2015
  • Cytoscape.js : active, mature, well-documented
    • Some algorithms, mostly visualization
    • No typings for TypeScript
    • R interface through RCyjs
  • KLayJS : KIELER ’s layout algorithms for JS

Visualization for dataflow programming. These libraries tend to come equipped with useless execution engines but also to visualize port graphs as first-class entities.

Commercial libraries:


XML formats:

  • GraphML (primer ): widely supported, default in yEd
    • Advanced features: hypergraphs, nested graphs, ports
  • GEXF (primer ): default in Gephi
    • Advanced features: nested graphs, dynamics (discrete and continuous time)
    • Gephi’s overview of graph data formats

JSON and related formats:

The JSON formats are all about the same, with a list of nodes and a list of edges as top-level properties of a graph object.