Philosophy of mathematics

Philosophy of math mainly studies the ontology and epistemology of mathematics. It focuses heavily, perhaps excessively, on foundations of math, to which I dedicate a separate page.



  • Linnebo, 2017: Philosophy of Mathematics, in Princeton Foundations of Contemporary Philosophy (NDPR )

Topics in mathematics

  • Potter, 2004: Set Theory and its Philosophy (NDPR )
  • Landry, ed., 2017: Categories for the Working Philosopher

Contemporary mathematics

A fledgling movement is trying push philosophers of math away from traditional foundational subjects (logic, set theory, elementary number theory) and towards contemporary math in all its diversity.

  • Rota, 1997: Indiscrete Thoughts
    • A call to action, at most—not a systematic philosophy of contemporary math
    • Reviewed on my blog
  • Corfield, 2003: Towards a philosophy of real mathematics
  • Zalamea, 2012: Synthetic philosophy of contemporary mathematics (nForum )
    • Review: Giuseppe Longo
    • Short review: some intriguing passages, but crippled by vagueness, unexplained jargon, and above all an obscure, continental writing style
    • The most useful part is the literature review in Ch. 2: “Advanced mathematics in the tracts of mathematical philosophy: A bibliographical survey”