Applied category theory

Applied category theory (ACT) is the name given to the recent renaissance in applying ideas from category theory to subjects outside of pure mathematics. In the 1980s and 1990s, category theory was widely applied in progamming language theory. The ongoing revival of ACT is broader in scope, using categories to model compositionality of processes in domains ranging from chemistry and quantum mechanics to electrical and software engineering. Monoidal categories are a major tool in this program.

Influential research programs in ACT include:

For more resources, see the Awesome ACT repo.









  • ACT seminar at UC Riverside, spring 2019 (Azimuth ), with videos online
    • Baez: Mathematics in the 21st century (Azimuth )
    • Lorand: Classification problems in symplectic linear algebra (Azimuth )
    • Vasilakopoulou: Systems as wiring diagram algebras (Azimuth )
    • Cicala: Social contagion modeled on random networks (Azimuth )
    • Master: Backprop as functor (on work by Fong, Spivak and Tuyéras)
    • Williams: The pi calculus: Towards global computing (Azimuth )
    • Courser: Category theory for genetics (on work by Tuyéras)